API Reference

The OmegaConf API

class omegaconf.OmegaConf[source]

OmegaConf primary class

classmethod clear_resolver(name: str) bool[source]

Clear(remove) any resolver only if it exists.

Returns a bool: True if resolver is removed and False if not removed.


name – Name of the resolver.


A bool (True if resolver is removed, False if not found before removing).

static clear_resolvers() None[source]

Clear(remove) all OmegaConf resolvers, then re-register OmegaConf’s default resolvers.

static from_dotlist(dotlist: List[str]) DictConfig[source]

Creates config from the content sys.argv or from the specified args list of not None


dotlist – A list of dotlist-style strings, e.g. ["foo.bar=1", "baz=qux"].


A DictConfig object created from the dotlist.

static masked_copy(conf: DictConfig, keys: Union[str, List[str]]) DictConfig[source]

Create a masked copy of of this config that contains a subset of the keys

  • conf – DictConfig object

  • keys – keys to preserve in the copy


The masked DictConfig object.

static merge(*configs: Union[DictConfig, ListConfig, Dict[Union[str, bytes, int, Enum, float, bool], Any], List[Any], Tuple[Any, ...], Any]) Union[ListConfig, DictConfig][source]

Merge a list of previously created configs into a single one


configs – Input configs


the merged config object.

static missing_keys(cfg: Any) Set[str][source]

Returns a set of missing keys in a dotlist style.


cfg – An OmegaConf.Container, or a convertible object via OmegaConf.create (dict, list, …).


set of strings of the missing keys.


ValueError – On input not representing a config.

static register_new_resolver(name: str, resolver: Callable[[...], Any], *, replace: bool = False, use_cache: bool = False) None[source]

Register a resolver.

  • name – Name of the resolver.

  • resolver – Callable whose arguments are provided in the interpolation, e.g., with ${foo:x,0,${y.z}} these arguments are respectively “x” (str), 0 (int) and the value of y.z.

  • replace – If set to False (default), then a ValueError is raised if an existing resolver has already been registered with the same name. If set to True, then the new resolver replaces the previous one. NOTE: The cache on existing config objects is not affected, use OmegaConf.clear_cache(cfg) to clear it.

  • use_cache – Whether the resolver’s outputs should be cached. The cache is based only on the string literals representing the resolver arguments, e.g., ${foo:${bar}} will always return the same value regardless of the value of bar if the cache is enabled for foo.

static resolve(cfg: Container) None[source]

Resolves all interpolations in the given config object in-place.


cfg – An OmegaConf container (DictConfig, ListConfig) Raises a ValueError if the input object is not an OmegaConf container.

static save(config: Any, f: Union[str, Path, IO[Any]], resolve: bool = False) None[source]

Save as configuration object to a file

  • config – omegaconf.Config object (DictConfig or ListConfig).

  • f – filename or file object

  • resolve – True to save a resolved config (defaults to False)

static select(cfg: Container, key: str, *, default: Any = _DEFAULT_MARKER_, throw_on_resolution_failure: bool = True, throw_on_missing: bool = False) Any[source]
  • cfg – Config node to select from

  • key – Key to select

  • default – Default value to return if key is not found

  • throw_on_resolution_failure – Raise an exception if an interpolation resolution error occurs, otherwise return None

  • throw_on_missing – Raise an exception if an attempt to select a missing key (with the value ‘???’) is made, otherwise return None


selected value or None if not found.

static to_container(cfg: Any, *, resolve: bool = False, throw_on_missing: bool = False, enum_to_str: bool = False, structured_config_mode: SCMode = SCMode.DICT) Union[Dict[Union[str, bytes, int, Enum, float, bool], Any], List[Any], None, str, Any][source]

Resursively converts an OmegaConf config to a primitive container (dict or list).

  • cfg – the config to convert

  • resolve – True to resolve all values

  • throw_on_missing – When True, raise MissingMandatoryValue if any missing values are present. When False (the default), replace missing values with the string “???” in the output container.

  • enum_to_str – True to convert Enum keys and values to strings

  • structured_config_mode

    Specify how Structured Configs (DictConfigs backed by a dataclass) are handled.
    • By default (structured_config_mode=SCMode.DICT) structured configs are converted to plain dicts.

    • If structured_config_mode=SCMode.DICT_CONFIG, structured config nodes will remain as DictConfig.

    • If structured_config_mode=SCMode.INSTANTIATE, this function will instantiate structured configs (DictConfigs backed by a dataclass), by creating an instance of the underlying dataclass.

    See also OmegaConf.to_object.


A dict or a list representing this config as a primitive container.

static to_object(cfg: Any) Union[Dict[Union[str, bytes, int, Enum, float, bool], Any], List[Any], None, str, Any][source]

Resursively converts an OmegaConf config to a primitive container (dict or list). Any DictConfig objects backed by dataclasses or attrs classes are instantiated as instances of those backing classes.

This is an alias for OmegaConf.to_container(…, resolve=True, throw_on_missing=True,



cfg – the config to convert


A dict or a list or dataclass representing this config.

static to_yaml(cfg: Any, *, resolve: bool = False, sort_keys: bool = False) str[source]

returns a yaml dump of this config object.

  • cfg – Config object, Structured Config type or instance

  • resolve – if True, will return a string with the interpolations resolved, otherwise interpolations are preserved

  • sort_keys – If True, will print dict keys in sorted order. default False.


A string containing the yaml representation.

static unsafe_merge(*configs: Union[DictConfig, ListConfig, Dict[Union[str, bytes, int, Enum, float, bool], Any], List[Any], Tuple[Any, ...], Any]) Union[ListConfig, DictConfig][source]

Merge a list of previously created configs into a single one This is much faster than OmegaConf.merge() as the input configs are not copied. However, the input configs must not be used after this operation as will become inconsistent.


configs – Input configs


the merged config object.

static update(cfg: Container, key: str, value: Optional[Any] = None, *, merge: bool = True, force_add: bool = False) None[source]

Updates a dot separated key sequence to a value

  • cfg – input config to update

  • key – key to update (can be a dot separated path)

  • value – value to set, if value if a list or a dict it will be merged or set depending on merge_config_values

  • merge – If value is a dict or a list, True (default) to merge into the destination, False to replace the destination.

  • force_add – insert the entire path regardless of Struct flag or Structured Config nodes.

Utility functions importable from the omegaconf module

omegaconf.II() Any

Equivalent to ${interpolation}




input ${node} with type Any

omegaconf.SI() Any

Use this for String interpolation, for example "http://${host}:${port}"


interpolation – interpolation string


input interpolation with type Any

omegaconf.flag_override(names: Union[List[str], str], values: Optional[Union[List[Optional[bool]], bool]]) Generator[Node, None, None]
omegaconf.open_dict() Generator[Container, None, None]
omegaconf.read_write() Generator[Node, None, None]

alias of ???